Download Approval Workflow Templates

Approval Workflow Templates

We hope you enjoy our Approval Workflow Templates! Use the below links to download copies of your own.

IDHub Customizable Approval Workflows

Approval Workflow Templates White Paper [.pdf]

Editable Approval Workflow Templates

Approval Workflow Templates [.vsdx]

Approval Workflow Drawings

7 Approval Workflow Drawings [.pdf]

Access Approval - Automatic Approval (No Approval Required) [.svg]

Access Approval - Manager Approval [.svg]

Access Approval - Two-Step Approval With Alternate Revoke Flow [.svg]

Access Approval - Multi-Tier Approval Process [.svg]

Role Provisioning - Automatic Approval (No Approval Required) [.svg]

Role Provisioning - Multi-Tier Approval Process [.svg]

Certification Access Review Approval - Dynamic Approver [.svg]

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