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Role Based Access Control Overview

A significant method for controlling access to sensitive data and resources inside an Identity and Access Management (IAM) system is role-based access control (RBAC). RBAC is an integral component of IDHub which provides for a secure and efficient way to manage user access to sensitive information and resources. This helps your organisations to improve security posture, streamline user management, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

Let’s go into more detail what are the benefits of RBAC and the features available under IDHub for this module.

Benefits of IDHub Role-Based Access Control module

  • Enhanced Security

    • RBAC enables you as an administrator to limit access to critical information based on job titles and responsibilities, lowering the risk of data breaches and unauthorised access.
  • Effective User administration

    • By allowing you (administrators) to assign roles to users in accordance with their job responsibilities, RBAC makes user administration simpler for you. This minimises the time and effort needed for you to control user access by ensuring that users only have access to the resources they require to carry out their tasks.
  • Compliance

    • RBAC ensures that access to sensitive data and resources is limited to authorised individuals only, assisting your organisation in complying with regulatory obligations. By doing so, compliance problems that might be caused by data breaches and other security events are mitigated.
  • Flexibility

    • RBAC gives you (administrators) the freedom to establish and alter roles in response to your shifting business needs. As a result, you are able to respond swiftly to new issues and guarantee that access to critical information is always maintained securely and effectively.
  • Better Audit record

    • RBAC makes it easier for you to follow user activity and find any security events by providing a clear audit record of who has access to what resources.

Features & availability of IDHub Role-Based Access Control Module

  • Wizard-Based Role Creation - IDHub provides a very user-friendly user wizard process for creating the role. With a few clicks, you can create roles and conditions which can cater to your simple to complex business scenarios.
  • User-friendly way to create role conditions - Creating conditions in the role is very easy since IDHub provides for operations variables to create complex conditions without the need for high technical expertise.
  • Add Applications and Entitlements to the role - You can easily select the applications and/or entitlements that you want in the role in the role creation wizard.
  • Bulk uploading role - If you have multiple roles in your organization and you want to bulk upload, that is also possible in IDHub.
  • Request access to a role - If you want to make the role requestable, then other users can search for the roles and request access to the role.
  • Birth-Right roles - When you add a condition to the role and the condition matches then the role is automatically assigned to the user(s) who matches the condition. This is called birth-right provisioning and is specifically useful in scenarios such as new employee onboarding in your organization or other scenarios.
  • Manage Roles - With a few clicks, you can easily edit your role or retire your role as well. Management of roles can be done from the IDHub admin module.