API First Integrations

Revolutionize your IAM strategy with deep API integrations and trigger and webhooks. Effortlessly automate responses to user events, authentication requests, and access changes. Build customized work flows with deep integrations.


What is API-first?

API-first is a general development philosophy that refers to an approach in software development where the design and creation of APIs (Application Programming Interface) take precedence before building other components of an application.

This methodology ensures that a well-defined and stable API serves as the foundation for seamless communication between different software modules, promoting modularization and reusability.


IAM API-first applies the API-first approach to Identity and Access Management (IAM) systems, ensuring that the IAM system is built with a strong and flexible API foundation for managing user identities and access controls.

IAM API-first tailors the API-first approach to the unique requirements and challenges of Identity and Access Management systems. It signifies the importance of prioritizing APIs in the design and implementation of IAM solutions to create a secure, flexible, and well-integrated identity management framework.

Triggers, APIs and Webhooks

API-first Strategy

Event Based Triggers in IAM specifically refers to utilizing these APIs to automatically initiate actions or processes in response to predefined events, such as user authentication, authorization requests, or alterations in access permissions.

It represents a targeted implementation within the broader IAM API-first strategy, enhancing the system's dynamic and automated capabilities by leveraging APIs to respond intelligently to specific events in real-time.

Examples of IAM Event based triggers include user login events, role modifications, and access request approvals, which can be programmatically handled to enforce security policies and maintain compliance.

API Access Control

IDHub allows you to monitor and respond to specific events or actions related to API usage within our product. These triggers enable you to implement additional security measures and automate certain actions based on the occurrence of predefined events.

Our IAM solution is slightly different that other IAM solutions in API security. We provide additional flexibility to change user data based on individual needs without compromising the security protocols.

Below are some common capabilities associated with Event triggers.


Event Monitoring

API triggers enable you to monitor various events and actions related to API usage, such as authentication attempts, access requests, data modifications, and other security-relevant activities.

API Rules

Rule-Based Actions

You can define rules or conditions that, when met, trigger specific actions or responses. For example, you might set up a rule that triggers an alert when a user attempts multiple failed login attempts within a certain time-frame.


Threat Detection and Prevention

API triggers can be used to detect and prevent potential threats or suspicious activities. By monitoring API events, you can identify patterns indicative of unauthorized access attempts, brute force attacks, or other malicious behavior.

Emails and SMS

Real-Time Alerts and Notifications

When an API trigger event occurs, you can configure the system to generate real-time alerts or notifications. These alerts can be delivered via email, SMS, or integrated with incident response systems to ensure timely action.

Revoke Access

Access Control and Authorization

API triggers can be leveraged to enforce access control and authorization policies. For example, you can define triggers that automatically revoke API access for a user or application if certain conditions are met, such as a security breach or violation of usage policies.

Node-Based Workflows

Workflow Orchestration

API triggers can be used to automate workflows and execute predefined actions based on specific events. For instance, you might configure a trigger that initiates a workflow to revoke access privileges for a user who has been inactive for a specified period.

API Auth

User Authentication API

API Keys

API keys are unique identifiers assigned to users or applications to authenticate their access to the API. The API key is included in the API request as a parameter or header.

OAuth 2.0

IDHub uses OAuth 2.0 for authentication and authorization. It enables users or applications to obtain access tokens from an authorization server by presenting their credentials.

OpenID Connect (OIDC)

IDHub Keycloak and HashiCorp's OIDC capability in its authentication layer which is built on top of OAuth 2.0. OIDC enables the API to receive an ID token containing user claims.

JSON Web Tokens (JWT)

IDHub also uses JWT self contained access tokens in API Authentication. The tokens are digitally signed, allowing the API to verify their authenticity and integrity.


How to construct your API

Below are the key details of IDHub APIs:

  • The IDHub API based on  REST. Our API has predictable resource-oriented URLs, accepts JSON request bodies, returns JSON responses, and uses standard HTTP response codes, authentication, and verbs.
  • The IDHub API uses OIDC auth keys to authenticate requests. You can view and manage your API keys in IDHub Developer Guide
  • Your API keys carry many privileges, so be sure to keep them secure! Do not share your secret API keys in publicly accessible areas such as GitHub, client-side code, and so forth.
  • All API requests must be made over HTTPS. Calls made over plain HTTP will fail. API requests without authentication will also fail.
  • You can also set a per-request key with an option. This is often useful for Connected Applications that use multiple API keys during the lifetime of a process.

Identity and Access Management

IAM Resources and Tools


Developer Guide

Looking for a comprehensive guide for developers? Check out our development quick-start guide, a one stop solution for developers. Search all docs here.


App Onboarding

Learn about App Onboarding and grab a copy of our free Google form, 36 question, application onboarding questionnaire. See all our blogs here.


Connector Info

IDHub connectors use SCIM protocol to connect to external systems. If your desired application exposes REST APIs, connecting to our solution is effortless.