Managed Identity With IDHub Key Features - Video

Sath Inc

IDHub Team Member

Managed Identity is your first line of defense against cyber attacks. Controlling who has access to your data and networks, is critical for protecting your business and customers. IDHub allows for easy management of user Identities and Access, which previously required entire IT departments and roles.

This short video will quickly walk you through some of the basic, and most commonly used features and benefits, of IDHub.

Key IDHub Features – Video Transcript

Hello, welcome to IDHub, an identity and access management solution for organizations of all sizes. To learn more about identity and access management, visit our website at

In this video, I’ll walk through IDHub’s key features.

To begin I’ll log in as a system administrator. System Administrators have two modules located on their dashboard; an admin module, as well as a user module. All users within IDHub have access to the user module, but only system administrators would have access to the admin module.

We’ll go ahead and start by logging into the user app module and navigating to the “My Profile” page. The “My Profile” page will give us a detailed view of all the information about the user; contact information, start date, department, the access that they have, any applications, roles, or entitlements within their profile, proxies that they may have set up, and they need direct reports. 

Our catalog houses all of our requestable items; entitlements applications, users, roles, and service requests. Applications would be programs or a collection of programs, which assist users with performance-specific tasks within their organization. Entitlements are attached to those applications and defined as a set of privileges, which govern user access.

Users would be all the active and inactive users within the organization. And roles are basically a logical representation of a person’s job responsibilities, like an IT lead or an inside sales rep or a billing executive.

What’s really great about roles is that when a role is created, you could attach applications and entitlements within those roles. So that way, when a user requests this role and they’re approved for this role, these applications and entitlements within them will automatically be approved and added to the user’s profile. It would only need fulfillment.

Service requests are requests that can be tangible or intangible, made by a group or an individual. Examples of service requests are laptop requests or a device request like a cell phone, key card access, or creating a new user.

It’s super easy to create a new user in IDHub. We’ll just add “Create a New User” service request to our cart and go ahead and continue through that process. And we would add all the information for that user here and we’ll submit that request.

Once a request is submitted, we can go ahead and go to our “Requests” page, and any request made by this user would populate on this page, just like this “Create a New User”. We can see the current status is “Awaiting Approval” from an Access Manager.

Any tasks that are assigned to this user would fall on this page, and because Jerome is an Access Manager, he has a couple of new users here that he can easily claim.

We have a claim and approval process. So that way, if there are multiple requests in a day, they all don’t fall on the same access manager’s plate or system administrator.

So if there were 42 new users created, multiple access managers could go into the tasks list and claim tasks, pull them off the rolling task list, and they would drop them onto their task page only. So they wouldn’t be available for the other managers to claim, which helps keep the approval process moving swiftly.

Let’s go ahead and navigate to the “Admin App”, and this is where we can manage all of our catalog items. We can manage our applications and our roles by editing them, by clicking on this pencil icon or the ellipsis, to disable or retire a role or an application. We can add new applications, singly or bulk application upload, I show all this in multiple videos. You can do the same with role creation.

Email templates are easily created, disabled, and edited from the email templates page.

Certifications are used by System Administrators to review and audit access to users. They can be run manually and automatically.

Custom Forms are what I showed you earlier, and those can be attached to service requests and applications. Forms are super helpful to obtain information for the request and to provide to the approver.

Workflows are repeatable patterns or steps that take place to complete a specific task on a regular basis; examples would be fulfillment request approval, workflow, certification approval workflow.

Moving on to service requests. Again, these are tangible or intangible requests that a group or an individual can make. It’s super easy to create a new service request. Just click on the button and move through the process. You can edit and disable, or delete existing service requests.

Back to the user app. Requesting for applications and entitlements is super easy in IDHub. You simply click on the application and you can see entitlements that are within the application.

You can select the application and select an entitlement if you need it and proceed, continue, and submit. And again, you can track that by clicking on this button, or even this button here, to see where the process is for approval.

That concludes the video discussing the features in IDHub. Feel free to watch some of our other videos or visit us on our website

Thank you so much. And I hope you have a beautiful day.


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