Request Lifecycle For Applications And Roles - Video

Sath Inc

IDHub Team Member

Request Lifecycle for Applications and Roles

IDHub simplifies the requesting process for Users, and makes the approval process a breeze for approvers. Learn all about the “Request Lifecycle of Application and Roles” in this short video.

Request Lifecycle – Video Transcript

Hello in this video, I’ll demonstrate the “Request Lifecycle for Applications and Roles”.

To begin, let’s assume an organization has already purchased and installed IDHub on-prem or in the cloud.

The first User has already registered himself and activated his IDHub license, as well as onboarded applications, roles, entitlements, and other users.

In this scenario, I will show you how an IDHub, user requests access to add an application and role and what the approval process looks like.

Let’s first log in as the organization, in this case, it’s Sath. We’ll go ahead and login as end-user Tyler. Tyler is a basic user in IDHub and does not have any managerial or administrator permissions.

Tyler is going to need to request the application Seven Geese and the role of a Sales Operations Administrator.

To do that, he’ll click on the “Request Access” button from his dashboard, and that’ll bring him to the catalog page where we can search for the application seven geese.

If it didn’t pop up right here on top, we could always search for it in the search bar. Let’s open this application and take a look at it. So it’s a performance management system application.

It’s got an approval workflow process of a manager approval application, which means that the user who’s requesting this application, the task for approval will be sent to their direct manager who has access to this application.

It looks like Jack does and Noah does. What are the entitlements within this application?

There’s an admin entitlement and a basic user. For now, we’re going to add this application to the cart by clicking on the plus icon here. Notice that in the bottom, right, the cart icon has a quantity of one.

When we open the cart, we can see that our application has been added.

Tyler also needs access to a role of a “Sales Operations Administrator”. So we’ll go ahead and search “Sales” here and that’ll bring up a couple different roles. This is the role we need.

Let’s go ahead and open this role. We’re going to go ahead and look at the applications within it.

When this role is approved for Tyler, he will receive all of these applications, Hunter, PipeDrive, Feedly, Salesforce, DiscoverOrg, and some entitlements within them; Hunter Admin PipeDrive Admin, so on and so forth. So this is a great feature.

So if there’s a certain role within your organization, you can attach applications and entitlements to that role, which will grant the user automatic access, when they’re approved for that particular role.

Let’s go ahead and add this role to the cart and open our cart. Notice our quantity increased to two, and we have our application and our role. We’ll go ahead and proceed with this.

If we wanted to add a different user, other than ourselves, it’s really simple. We would just “X” ourselves out here, and add another user by clicking on this plus icon, typing in their name, and moving through the process.

In this case, Tyler’s requesting access for himself. We’ll go ahead and continue. The right hand panel will pop up, and it will confirm the populated information pulled from the user’s profile.

We’ll go ahead and continue with this request. Once we submit it, we’ll get a pop-up notification in the upper right, where we can track our request, or we can click on the “Track Request” button from the dashboard.

So both of these are waiting for manager approval.

If we open up the role, we can see that it’s been assigned to Johanna, who is Tyler’s direct manager, and we can see that right here.

If we click on his name, it gives us a little bit more information about Tyler and his position. If we needed to call him or email him about the request, we could do that, and now anyone could look into the request.

Any manager can look into the request, who it has been assigned to, and pull up this right-hand panel, which is nice.

I’ll show you that in a minute, when we go back to the request page, and we can look at the application as well. Again, it’s waiting for manager approval and Johanna has been assigned.

We’ll go ahead and log out as Tyler and log back in as his manager, Johanna, and we’ll be able to claim and approve this task. To do that, we’ll navigate to the tasks page by clicking on the tasks button from her dashboard.

All current tasks will populate on this page and we can see that our “Sales Ops Admin” role and our “Seven Geese” application for Tyler are both here. So we’re going to go ahead and select all, approve them both, and we’ll go ahead and approve that.

Notice how the tasks are removed from her tasks page. I’m going to logout as Joanna, and log back in as Tyler, and we’ll track his request To do that, we’ll click on the track request button located on the dashboard.

We can see that both of the requests are here.

One is completed, which is the “Sales Ops Admin”. If we open that up, we can see that it was waiting for manager approval and it was approved. These catalog items are attached to that role.

If we go back to the request page and pull up the “Seven Geese” application, we can see that it’s waiting for fulfillment. Now, all disconnected applications within IDHub will need to be manually fulfilled to complete the on-boarding for that user.

Connected applications will have an automatic fulfillment process, but for the sake of the demo, all of our applications are disconnected, which will need a manual fulfillment to complete that request.

So now we’re going to determine who is a manual fulfiller. So in order to do that, we’ll go to our roles tab and we’ll look for our manual fulfillment group, here.

If we open that up, we can look at the members tab to see who’s a part of it. All these people are manual fulfillers. We’ll go ahead and use Frank.

So we’re going to logout, and first, what we want to do is, login as Frank, who is the manual fulfiller.

We’ll go ahead and navigate to his tasks page real easy from the dashboard, and this will bring up all of his tasks. As we can see, there are several for Tyler and it looks like they are all of the applications, because again, for the demo purpose, they’re all disconnected.

All the applications that were attached to the role need to be claimed and, and approved as well by our manual fulfiller, so we’re going to go ahead and select all. We’re going to claim all of these.

We’ll go ahead and complete all of these as well. You can set up where there is a maximum amount of selects allowed, where you can only have eight tasks that you can select and complete all at the same time.

So that’s what happened here. We have a maximum of 10 tasks that can be completed at one time which is more of a security feature, which is nice. So you can customize that as well.

So we’ll go ahead and complete all of these.

Go ahead and logout as Frank and we’ll log back in as Tyler. We’re going to track his request, and again, real simple from the dashboard “Track Request”.

We can see that both “Sales Ops Admin” role and “Seven Geese” application are completed. If we open up this application, we can see that Johanna approved it as the manager, and Frank fulfilled it as the manual fulfiller. We can see the same for the role “Sales Ops Admin”.

That was a simple manager approval, but remember all the applications within it needed to be manually fulfilled because they’re disconnected applications. Now, if we click on Tyler’s name here, it’ll pull up his profile and that’ll show us his access.

We can see that he now has all of those applications attached as well as that role. We can always open up each individual application to look at the entitlements.

Maybe there was another entitlement in here that he may have needed. He could add that as well to the cart, and it will show us the attributes for the user.

That concludes our video for today on the “Request Life-cycle of Applications and Roles”.

Please watch some of our other videos about IDHub, and thank you so much. Have a great day!


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