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Auto Approval

This workflow can be used by you in case of provisioning for applications for scenarios where the request doesn’t need any explicit approval from a manager or group(s)

How To Access the Auto Approval Workflow

  • Go to ‘Workflow' in the Admin Module of IDHub using the credentials of a user that has the role of 'System Administrator' with them.
  • You will see the auto approval workflow in the workflow page.

How to view/edit the Auto Approval Workflow

  • Click on the edit (pencil icon) on the Auto Approval Workflow card from the Workflow page.

How the Auto Approval works

  • The Auto approval workflow starts with the State Node (Request Submitted)
  • Start Node (Action node) is the 2nd node, which states that the request workflow has been started
  • Complete approval operation node is provided.

Now the request will go depending on whether the application which is being provisioned is a connected application or disconnected application.

  • Request will be waiting for the dependent request and state would be waiting for dependent request.

  • In case of connected application

    • Connected Application condition node is provided to denote that the request is for the connected application
    • Request will now wait for the fulfillment
  • In case of disconnected application

    • Dis-Connected Application condition node is provided to denote that the request is for the dis-connected application
    • Create Task operation node is provided to generate the fulfillment task for the provisioning

In the next step, request is waiting for the Fulfillment

  • At this stage the performance can either reject the fulfillment or approve.
  • In case of Rejection flow:
    • Reject Action node is provided and then the Request Completed state node to denote that the request is completed.
  • In case of Approval Flow:
    • Approve action node is for the fulfiller to approve the task
    • Complete Request operation node to complete the request
    • Request completed state node to denote that the request has been completed once the fulfiller has approved the request.