Managing your Certificate
Once you create your certificate definition, IDHub enables you to take further actions on it such as: run, modify, archive, unarchive, See past requests. In this document we would elaborate on all the actions that you can take on the certificate.
Actions on the certificate depends on the status of the certificate. Let’s go into details of each actions as per the certificate status.
Actions possible for the Active Certificate
Active certificates are the ones which are currently active and you can perform the following actions on an active certificate.
Run Now
- This allows you to one time run of the Certification definition. Displays dialog with Impact summary and requests user confirmation for one time run. Click here to learn more about running the certificate.
Past Request
- This navigates you to the the Request page with the certification definition as search criteria and displays all certification requests associated with the definition.
- This option Moves the Certification definition to a disable status (saves the old status) and hides the certification definition from the main list.
- This lets you modify the certificate definition. Click here to learn more about modifying certificates.
Actions possible for the Archived Certificate
Archive certificates are the ones which are currently archived. For each archived certificates you can perform the following actions:
Past Request
- This option will bring back the certification definition into the last status prior to it being archived.
Actions possible for the Certificate which is in Draft
Certificates are saved in draft mode, if you come out of the wizard before the completion of the certificate definition. Actions that you can take on the draft mode certificate are as follows:
For a better understanding of the above options (See the above ‘Action’ section under the Active Paragraphs)