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Password Based Authentication

Page Background: In this document we would discuss the Basic Login flow as well as the KeyCloak based password authentication flow.

Create User:

A User can be created in IDHub via the following ways:

  • Reconciliation based registration

  • Direct Registration via KeyCloak

  • Service Request

Using any of the above 3 methods when a user is created in IDHub KeyCloak auto generates the password for the user and the new user is sent an email with the auto generated password.

How to manage/set password for users via KeyCloak:

As an admin you can also manage and set password for users. For this log into you KeyCloak administration console and then goto users and then click on the View All users button.

As you can see in the screenshot above, this will show you a list of all users. Now for the user for which you want to manage / set the password click on the Edit button and then click on the credentials tab.

After clicking on the credentials tabs, you will be shown the following page:

You need to enter the password that you want to set in the password and confirm password field. Also, if you want to set up a temporary password then keep the toggle to on, otherwise you can toggle off the switch as well.

After entering the password, hit the “Reset Password” button and KeyCloak will reset the password for that user accordingly.

Basic Login Flow

Go your IDHub Tenant URL and then you have to enter the user name and password for logging into your tenant as you can see in the screenshot below:

Options for resetting your password.

If you forgot your password, then there are two ways of resetting the password. Either you can click on the Forgot password link given in the Basic Login page. Also, you can reset the password from the Keycloak as well (As described above)

Once you click on the Forgot password link in the login page, you will get the page as shown below:

Here in this page, you will have to enter your user name or email and click on the submit button. IDHub will send you an email with the password reset instructions and redirect you to the login page.